
One Piece Film: Z

Cím: One Piece Film: Z
Angol cím: One Piece Film: Z
Japán cím: ワンピース フィルム Z
Egyéb cím(ek): One Piece Movie 12
MyAnimeList: [link]
Trailer: [link]
Részek összesen: 1
Szezon: -
Típus: Movie
Besorolás: PG-13 - Teens 13 or older
Forrás: Manga
Értékelés: 10/8.11
Studió: [Toei Animation]
Producer: [Shueisha]
Kiadó: [Funimation]
Téma: -
Műfaj: [Action], [Adventure], [Fantasy]
Egyéb Műfaj: [Shounen]
Explicit Műfaj: -
Fordította: [UraharaShop]


The Straw Hat Pirates enter the rough seas of the New World in search of the hidden treasures of the Pirate King, Gol D. Roger-One Piece. On their voyage, the pirates come across a terrifying, powerful man, former Marine Admiral Z. Z is accused of having stolen the "Dyna Stones", weapons believed to have the power to shake up the New World. The Marine Headquarters believes Z is about to use it to end the pirate era, and with it, the lives of many innocent people. In fear of such a phenomenal event, marines start to take action against the former admiral. Even if it means stumbling upon marines and the navy, the Straw Hat Pirates decided to chase after Z and stop him from causing havoc. As they continue to embark on their ventures, the pirates bump into new and familiar acquaintances.

Már 15 éve, 4 hónapja és 18 napja csak értetek.
Az elmúlt 30 percben online látogatók: 36
Jellenlegi verzió: 6.1.6